Friday, June 1, 2012

London, Day 2

So we crashed after getting back from the Eye but were well awake in the morning. Today was doing our Georgette Heyer's London walk so after a stop at the coffee shop it was into Leicester Square where we dodged all the paraphernalia for the world premiere of "Prometheus" and bought tickets for the "Mousetrap" for Friday night. 

Following the walk was fun and we didn't get it finished as we kept stopping to take photos. However we checked out St James Square where the eagles were brought after the Battle of Waterloo, stood in front of the site of Almacks Assembly Rooms, had lunch in a lovely little cafe opposite Lock's the hatters in the wonderfully Georgian Crown Passage, dared to stand in front of the bow window of White's Club, and ended up at Apsley House, the London home of the Dukes of Wellington. This was smashing. It gave us a real feeling of being back in those Regency times. 

Meantime we had wandered down Pall Mall, Picadilly, Trafalgar Square and Green Park. At the end of Green Park practically opposite Apsley House was the Bomber Command Memorial still under construction but mightily impressive. Denise took piccies of me in front of it.

Lesley in St James's Square 
Crown Passage, near Locke's, the hatter

Denise in Monopolyland
Lesley at Bomber Command Memorial
After Apsley House we had to rest our weary legs in Hyde Park and watch the guardsmen exercising their horses. Then it was up the Wellington Arch for views of the parks.

We'd arranged to have dinner with two of Denise's young relatives living in Spitalfields. So we met them there and went to dinner in a very nice Thai restaurant. By the time we got back to our room we were exhausted and ready for a good night's sleep.
Evening skyline from Spitalfields

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