Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Day 12 - Bath

This was the day we'd been waiting for, Bath.

Today’s forecast was for fine weather so we set off quite early. Marilyn suggested we “park and ride” which is what we did on the western outskirts of Bath. The bus set us down near Kingsmear Square and from here we went straight to the Pump Room, and morning tea. We were over the moon especially when some kind of mayoral procession went by into the Abbey.

Georgian street in Bath
Mayoral procession from the Pump Room

The queue to the Baths was long so we decided to go to the Assembly Rooms first. This included the fashion museum from 1600s to 2011. Once again, gob-smacking, so we stayed a long time and had lunch there. 

Look at this for a ceiling, Assembly Rooms
Chandeliers, Assembly Rooms
A crochet Queen that took our fancy

Next were the Circus and the Royal Crescent including the museum at No. 1. By this time we were feeling weary so we headed back to the bus pausing at a Georgian garden at No. 4, the Circus on the way.
The Royal Crescent, Bath
The weather had stayed fine though rather cool and we had a wonderful day. For fans of Georgette Heyer, it was perfect.

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