Friday, June 22, 2012

Day 20, 21, 22 - York

Day 20 consisted of leaving the Lake District in the rain, travelling across the Yorkshire dales in the grey and arriving at York in the sun. We just kept on following that patch of blue.

We stopped for a lovely view at the Dent and read the noticeboard about Adam Sedgwick, father of British Geology.

The Dent, far more impressive for real
Narrow Yorkshire bridges

Fields with stone walls
When we got to York we booked a room through the Visitor Info Centre at the Alhambra Hotel. It is in the area called St Marys and near the university, and of course, the ruins of St Mary's Abbey. Denise was pooped from driving through the rain so Lesley went for a walk down the road, through a snickleway and into the Museum Gardens.

Us on the city walls of York

York's city walls

Wot the ...!!

Alhambra Hotel
The next day we made sure we were at the Jorvik Viking Centre before it opened even so there was the inevitable queue. Five minutes after supposed opening time it hadn't moved. You've got to wonder at their managerial skills! However as expected the museum was fantastic. No photos of course because it wasn't allowed. So you'll have to go to this link. Jorvik

Jorvik queue, 
5 minutes after opening time and nothing happening

 The museum of course took a couple of hours so after some sustenance it was off to the Minster via a circuitous route that took in other sites including the Shambles.  Here are some of the sights we saw while in York.
1700s interior of the Church of the Holy Trinity.
We loved its wobbliness.
The Shambles
A snickleway in the Shambles

Another snickleway
Bootham Bar
In the ruins of St Mary's, Museum Gardens

At the Minster we took a guided tour. Our guide, Wendy, was a delight and filled us in on all kinds of information. 

Wendy at York Minster
Some of the Kings at York Minster
Us at the Minster

We loved York and of course the weather was good. Now we were wending our way back to Taunton via Stratford-upon-Avon. We wandered over the Peak District in the sunshine, stopping at Bakewell for lunch.

Through the Peak District
Denise had to have a go at queuing for an ice cream. 
A good British tradition.
At Bakewell in the sunshine!

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